Well, as you can see, I have my sections set up / headers for pages...feel free to click some of the years and you will find a start of the collections listed as well as what was in the collection, what is great about it, and any tips on improving it that I found from my own experience. (at moment 1 from 2005, 2 -2009, 2-2011). I also set up a suggestion page so that anyone can offer kit / collection info or tips in addition to posting on main home page here.
I am also going to try to list the approximate values of each item. My reason for doing so is simple. If a collection is selling for 40.00 complete, but you need only a 5.00 item from it...why spend the 40? Now you're probably laughing and thinking 5.00 for a sb product? is she nuts? yeah I probably am just a little...after all, I decided to undertake listing 100+ kits / collections and eventually a running list of all single sold items (lip colors / liners / etc) made. However....i found that if I really loved a collection and how it looked on me, but it was no longer produced, (not even to be seen in "curtain call"), sometimes I have luck finding the item in ebay and the jungle :) and thats where you find for the 5.00.
***PLEASE NOTE, doing so is at a risk. These items have been bought by others first and though there is rule of no selling used products, it is impossible to know for sure what the climate conditions other people stored items at. That being said....I have found some of my favorite items that were discontinued (dang it!) in those sites and have been able to collect quite a few back ups of my stock favorites (illuminating serum, light cast detail highlighter, and off set converter to name a few). Eventually I will have to find replacements that are just as good or better....but for now I am still happily in denial about the death of productions.
ok, I am rambling and my poor eyes need a break if I want to be well rested to brave the mall tomorrow for the spring sales! I will try to get more collections posted tomorrow...2011 and 2010 first as they are most recent, then the oldest to newest after that until they are all listed....who knows, you might find a new look idea based on only needing 1 or 2 items to round off...and I do try to be accurate in my titles and years so that you can easily search out photos online of the collections / colors used. Once everything is listed, I will decide if I want to swatch them all or just leave it for everyone to look them up on their own.
Nighty Night
About Me

- Heat
- Middle of Nowhere, Home base in Northeast, United States
- My passion is in traveling, however when I am not on some distant shore, I can be found in the nearest mall or online perusing Sephora, Smashbox, Ulta and Ebay sites for the latest color combinations. I use Smashbox exclusively, Philosophy, and OPI nail colors...but am willing to explore others if there is something spectacular that I feel I HAVE to have. *I am not affiliated with, nor work for, smashbox....I only enjoy using their products - listings are from smashbox, comments / reviews are from me*
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