I have been slowly getting more of these kits listed, and I realized something....the time is not in typing them up, thats easy enough to do, but my book has them listed in no specific order before I started actively collecting the kit items in spring 2010.. and when I did, I never thought to write in year of collection grrrrr. sooooo my time is mainly being spent looking up the years that they were made. I am coming across duplicate kits though while doing this....the public release kit vs the qvc versions so to make it simple, i plan on making a note if it is qvc and drastically different. if only minor difference, i am just merging them since the older ones are no longer sold as actual kits, i do not see problem in doing this since to purchase, you would be tracking down each item separately anyway. besides a bulkier kit of color co-ordinated choices can only be a good thing....right? (i like grabbing the items for the one I am using in morning and seeing a couple glosses to pick from vs the 1 only).
Anyway....according to the ticker thingy at the bottom ....i am having people pop on and view this....and my pages stats thing says people are looking around....so....feel free to comment and say hi! I promise...I wont bite and having someone offer suggestions or let me know how this is coming so far is only a good thing (IMO).
Back to dealing with life away from computer....happy reading! :)
About Me

- Heat
- Middle of Nowhere, Home base in Northeast, United States
- My passion is in traveling, however when I am not on some distant shore, I can be found in the nearest mall or online perusing Sephora, Smashbox, Ulta and Ebay sites for the latest color combinations. I use Smashbox exclusively, Philosophy, and OPI nail colors...but am willing to explore others if there is something spectacular that I feel I HAVE to have. *I am not affiliated with, nor work for, smashbox....I only enjoy using their products - listings are from smashbox, comments / reviews are from me*
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