1- FTC says I have to say if I get paid to do this....I do not. I buy my products to use myself. As I am just starting to blog and using my own notes that I have been keeping for a long time, you won't see many complaints ...at first. This is because out of hundred plus kits smashbox has created in the past, I only have 80+ of them. The rest either were bought and not enjoyed, or bought, noted in my book, and other colors then substituted because I really really didnt like how something looked on me and traded the item to a friend who could wear it for an item she couldnt wear. This translates to no payment. Many times I even lose money in the trades as I only wear / use items from 3 companies and most of my friends do not. They get goodies, I get thanks from them for the products. Some bloggers get samples from companies to try out, the closest thing I have received is the free samples everyone gets when they make a purchase in stores or online. If the powers that be at my preferred companies ever reach out to me and offer me something to try and I then mention it here, I will be sure to mention that it was a freebie and whether to buy it or save your money and buy something else.
See the premise of this blog to begin with, is how to get the most out of your money when investing in a companies product line...I doubt smash will ever knock on my door thanking me for telling people not to buy something because if they have A+B+C of the kit, and D is only 12.00 but kit = 60.00...dont bother unless restocking something you really want. Normally the in-store samples are only when I spend a preset amount of money (free sample packet of "x" if spend 30.00 kind of thing) are for items I do not use and my friends get those as well from me. Yes I am a beauty snob with some things...only things to touch my skin are Smashbox / OPI / Philosophy. NOT because of payment. Because of my own skin sensitivity and preference. Brings me to next thing.
2- If anyone reading this likes the description I or someone else on here gives, then goes out to purchase the item, that is their own decision. Any thing that occurs as a result is that persons responsibility. I have sensitive skin. I know what products I can not wear. Reading a blog from someone else and then buying the product and breaking out is my own fault as I chose to buy it. Same goes for here. If you buy something based on what you read / see, it is at your own risk.
3- I love certain products and that may be taken as endorsing them, however, my loyalty goes so far. Have no fear that if the companies I rave about and products I love had their formulas changed ....I would rant just as much. (And then I would be buying from ebay to get old formula and not from the companies themselves which cost THEM money as they lose all the money that I blindly spend each month as I worship the media portrayals of how women should look...) Actually that was a bit sarcastic. I do not care what current fashion is if I do not like how it makes me look and feel. Anyone can say something looks great on me, but if I don't like it, then to me it is not worth my money. As everyone has different tastes, please if you post on here, respect everyone's taste as being unique. If you happen to like a color or product I do not, no problem. But be respectful or I will delete the post. Respectful = this is a great product because texture/ color with skin tone / scent / etc... Or is not great because xxxx...
Not respectful = name calling, insulting a person who posts/ company mentioned / or product mentioned without logical and systematical reason.
For example. I do not like Bare Minerals products. My reason is, I bought the starter kit and an eye kit... and though the colors were nice, the specks that floated down from my eyes with the shadow were annoying and the product has little moisture in it resulting in my skin becoming even more dried out then it already is. Anyone who knows me in real life, knows that my quest for the perfect moisturizers was a long and drawn out process as my skin = sahara desert and before I found my moisturizer and cleanser line I use now....my skin would flake like crazy and exfoliating it did not help that or it went too far and left my skin brush burned in appearance. Add a product with no moisture in to it = breakout of dryness and flaking and me being miserable. So...my "review" if someone asked me to try the "mineral veil" (which i have tried in past) would be... This product did nothing for me and I would not repurchase due to effect on skin with dryness though the sheerness of color in summer was nice. See? respectful criticism.
4- The ads that are shown on this blog are from google / adsense and random based on the type of blog this is. I hear you can make money for allowing the small blocks of ads to be seen, but I am new to this and so far that concept is completely foreign to me. I will update this if that ever changes ...full disclosure and all that fluff...
5- Anything I have left out is completely my own fault / doing and I reserve the right to update this as needed or as I learn about things I may have accidentally omitted. My not mentioning a legal issue or concern is not due to snubbing it, it is due to lack of knowledge and as I learn more about the legal side of blogging...I will update this accordingly.
About Me

- Heat
- Middle of Nowhere, Home base in Northeast, United States
- My passion is in traveling, however when I am not on some distant shore, I can be found in the nearest mall or online perusing Sephora, Smashbox, Ulta and Ebay sites for the latest color combinations. I use Smashbox exclusively, Philosophy, and OPI nail colors...but am willing to explore others if there is something spectacular that I feel I HAVE to have. *I am not affiliated with, nor work for, smashbox....I only enjoy using their products - listings are from smashbox, comments / reviews are from me*