Smashbox site is having their friends and family sale this week...20% off any purchase with code FF2011 -ends 5/27 at midnight pst. (3am saturday morning for those on the east coast). Cant use it on "curtain calls" nor on "let's do lunch" grrrrr but okay 20% plus the 4% from plus the points I get from my credit card...not bad :)
Other news...Philosophy is no longer my go to skin treatment :( I started developing a reaction to the ingredients and switched over to Mario Badescu. According to the site, the products are made with all natural ingredients and the prices are amazing...much less then philosophy. Can get it online or in Ulta..not sure where else it is carried at the moment, but I will find out! Ashley and Marla at Ulta tested some on me and no tingling, itching, irritation at all (seaweed cleanser, strawberry facial scrub, ceramide eye gel, kera moisturizer) forgive spelling errors- too lazy at moment to go in bathroom to look at bottles. Anyway, will be testing out each of their products for dry and sensitive skin and will post the good and the bad of it all.
Until later, Enjoy the day!
About Me

- Heat
- Middle of Nowhere, Home base in Northeast, United States
- My passion is in traveling, however when I am not on some distant shore, I can be found in the nearest mall or online perusing Sephora, Smashbox, Ulta and Ebay sites for the latest color combinations. I use Smashbox exclusively, Philosophy, and OPI nail colors...but am willing to explore others if there is something spectacular that I feel I HAVE to have. *I am not affiliated with, nor work for, smashbox....I only enjoy using their products - listings are from smashbox, comments / reviews are from me*
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