Well I hope everyone had a lovely Easter holiday...
Smashbox is offering 2 "new" kits for Mother's Day ...should be a thing of excitement for me but this time it's not :(
1-Super chic kit (2011) has the brow tech / liner palette, lip gloss in aura and tease (yep older items)
2-Naturally Pretty (2011) PF primer w/ spf 15, blush/sl's duo super/model, mascara-black, limitless lip gloss in "for keeps"....the gloss is only thing I am drooling over ...the other 3 items have been around for ages :(
yeah I know, I can't expect them to be always coming out with new products...but...a truly original kit on occasion would be nice ...though this gives me a new color combo idea to play with...and a way to update my older makeup, I WANT NEW SHADES! ;) ahhhh well...a girl can dream
Anyway, off to do some work around here...will be checking in tomorrow for the ldl specials :)
Until then...be safe and enjoy!
About Me

- Heat
- Middle of Nowhere, Home base in Northeast, United States
- My passion is in traveling, however when I am not on some distant shore, I can be found in the nearest mall or online perusing Sephora, Smashbox, Ulta and Ebay sites for the latest color combinations. I use Smashbox exclusively, Philosophy, and OPI nail colors...but am willing to explore others if there is something spectacular that I feel I HAVE to have. *I am not affiliated with, nor work for, smashbox....I only enjoy using their products - listings are from smashbox, comments / reviews are from me*
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